On Wednesday evening I called my buddy who now lives in Texas. I told him I wanted to talk to somebody who was happy about the election results. He was.
We’ve been friends since we started Sunday school. I’ve visited him in Texas. We talk every few months. On Wednesday, we talked about the World Economic Forum, CBC, racism (he has three adopted kids who are Black), raising chickens, whether he would buy a used car from Trump, AR-15s and Palm Sunday.
It was great. Especially talking about Palm Sunday and the notion that cheering on worldly power players—of whatever stripe—misses the point of Jesus. Common ground.
With election acrimony in the air, I will not give in to disdain for those whose political inclinations I do not share. In A donkey ride to Texas, I write about the practical steps I took this past Tuesday and Wednesday to escape the election vortex and tune into something entirely different than CNN or Fox.
Will Braun, Editor
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