Web First

Hearing God in indigenous voices

“If you want to love someone, you need to know their story; if you want to know someone, you need to learn their story,” Steve Heinrichs, Mennonite Church Canada’s director of indigenous relations, told participants at this year’s Peace it Together conference at Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) earlier this month, as he and his daughter Abby shared about settler colonialism and the importanc

CFB calls for Canada’s leadership in climate change and farming

As world leaders, including Canada’s new prime minister, meet in Paris November 30 to December 11, 2015, to conclude a major new climate change agreement, their main focus will be on cutting greenhouse gas emissions—a good thing. But the plight of many of the world’s 1.5 billion small-scale farmers should also be addressed there.

Bethany Mennonite reaches half-century milestone

Kaleigh Van Egmond paints the face of Ellery Sawatzky at the celebration of Bethany United Mennonite Church’s 50th anniversary. (Photo by Dave Rogalsky)

Pastor Herb Sawatzky is pictured with his son Colton at Bethany United Mennonite Church’s 50th anniversary. (Photo by Dave Rogalsky)

Nella Cameron, Marie Lepp and Anne Penner look at photos recounting Bethany United Mennonite Church’s history at its 50th anniversary celebration. (Photo by Dave Rogalsky)

Bill and Irene Goertz tell stories about the founding of Bethany United Mennonite Church at the congregation’s 50th-anniversary celebrations. (Photo by Dave Rogalsky)

The way Bill Goertz remembers it, every time it seemed that the building plan for Bethany Mennonite Church was settled, Victor Dyck would come to yet another caffeine-fuelled Founders Committee meeting and say, “Maybe we can do a little more.”

Parkview Home celebrates 50 years of service

George Reesor, front row right, a local historian and Parkview Home board member in the 1980s, spoke at the 50th anniversary celebration and observed: ‘The Parkview of today could not have been conceived or planned in its entirety back in the 1960s. Rather, each added project has been built upon vision, experience and expertise gained from earlier endeavours.’ His wife Anna is seated beside him. (Parkview Home photo)

The Parkview auditorium was filled on Sept. 27, 2015, as residents, past and present board members, and community supporters gathered to celebrate 50 years of service to the community by Parkview Home.

Making a difference

Arnaud Mennonite Church youth group members Meagan Schlorff, left; Cole Holdrick, second from left; Liam Thiessen, third from right; and Adrian Thiessen, right, are pictured with youth leader Ewald Boschmann, third from left and Art Enns, the farmer who donated the land, to celebrate a successful harvest that raised $12,600 for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. (Canadian Foodgrains Bank photo)

In the Bible, there’s a well-known story about Jesus miraculously feeding five thousand with only a few loaves and fish.


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