Spiritual wrestling in an unknown season
David Driedger remains passionate about the church, but it’s not an easy passion. He continually wrestles with theology, his understanding of who God is, and how to live in the name of God.
David Driedger remains passionate about the church, but it’s not an easy passion. He continually wrestles with theology, his understanding of who God is, and how to live in the name of God.
On a sunny morning, to the sound of Canada geese and in view of the flowing Grand River, a group of adults and children (and one dog) took part in a Holy Saturday peace walk.
In the fall of 2013 a Mennonite delegation of six Americans and Canadians went to Vancouver, B.C., for a Truth and Reconciliation event.
John 9 tells a story of blindness and sight. With the exception of Jesus, all the characters in this story are blind in some way.
Blind disciples: ignorance and prejudice
I had a great idea for starting this sermon—a PowerPoint presentation of artists’ depictions of this Bible story. I could imagine the paintings: a man in beautiful robes running and kneeling before Jesus, or the dramatic moment of Jesus looking at the man with love, or the man reacting to Jesus’ words with a sad expression on his face.
The 2013/14 season of the Pax Christi Chorale will close with a premiere public performance of a new Easter piece by Stephanie Martin, “Now the Queen of Seasons.” This composition is based on an ancient hymn by St. John of Damascus.
Christ at the Checkpoint conferences, held in Bethlehem, have drawn a variety of speakers from the local Palestinian and Messianic communities, as well as from international Christian circles. The stated mission of the 2014 conference: To challenge evangelicals to take responsibility to help resolve the conflicts in Israel-Palestine by engaging with the teaching of Jesus on the Kingdom of God.
American evangelicals have played a significant role in U.S. support for Israel; by some measures they are even more supportive than American Jews.
Conrad Grebel University College (CGUC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Trevor Bechtel to the role of dean, effective July 1, 2014. He succeeds Jim Pankratz who has served as dean for nine years and will be retiring in June.
Timothy Corlis has been appointed as assistant professor of music at Conrad Grebel University College (CGUC), beginning August 1, 2014. He will focus his teaching on music theory, stepping in after Professor Carol Ann Weaver retires in June.
Homeless youth will get some support from a group of musicians who want to use their talents to benefit others.
On Holy Week we gather to celebrate communion along with the Christian church throughout the world, as Jesus invited us to do. As we do so, we remember how Jesus shared the last supper with his disciples in the intimacy of the upper room; all dipping in the same dish with him, without knowing the full significance of the event, and unaware of how it would be remembered for centuries to come.
A friend of mine who is an elementary school teacher in Rio de Janeiro described once how he and the students had to duck under the tables as they were caught in the crossfire.
Going to church these days can be a bit like eating at a fast food joint.
It might be quick and tasty. But it won't satisfy your soul.
You can't franchise the kingdom of God, say the authors of Slow Church, a new book from InterVarsity Press that applies the lessons of the slow food movement to congregational life.
On March 6, ‘honour walkers’ Laurens Thiessen van Esch, Ann Heinrichs, Brad Langendoen and Nathan Thorpe were joined by 16 supporters on the campus of Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) as they prepared to leave Winnipeg on their way to Stoney Knoll, Sask.
For five years, bombs and bullets from Nigeria's Islamist group Boko Haram have ripped through churches and their members, raising concerns over the security of Christians in majority Muslim regions of the country.
Churches in Central African Republic are caring for thousands of Muslims who have been trapped in a cycle of revenge attacks, perpetrated by a pro-Christian militia.
Three hundred seventy evangelicals and others from around the world are meeting in Bethlehem, March 10-14, 2014, to strengthen the Palestinian church and to seek resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Under the theme, “Thy Kingdom Come,” renowned speakers are exploring the challenge from biblical, historical, theological, and practical points of view.
In a reversal of its decision to cut funding for Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA) as of March 31, Corrections Services of Canada (CSC) has restored $650,000 to CoSA, thanks to pushback from Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Minister Steven Blaney, Member of Parliament Harold Albrecht of Kitchener, Ont., and Health Minister Rona Ambrose.
In a telephone call on February 20, 2014, Correctional Service Canada (CSC) informed Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Ontario that their Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA) funding contract will be cancelled on March 31, 2014. All other CoSA sites that receive government funding have also had their contracts terminated.
High River, Alta. (pop. 13,000) gets its name from the Highwood River, which flows through the town.
“The Holy Spirit is a great choreographer,” Rick Faw told the delegates gathered here Feb. 21-22, 2014, for the annual meeting of Mennonite Church British Columbia. “What would happen if our churches would become ecological points of light in a world of darkness?” he asked, in casting a vision for creation care as an integral part of the church’s mission.
MCC is supplying building materials, including plywood and tin sheets similar to those being loaded onto this bicycle-powered rickshaw, to almost 3,000 Filipino families whose homes were destroyed by Typhoon Haiyan. In addition, MCC is paying local people to build the houses in the towns of Naval and Dulag.(Credit: Laura Armstrong/ MCC)
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is providing disaster-resistant shelters and basic kitchen utensils for almost 3,000 Filipino families who lost their homes during Typhoon Haiyan, in November 2014.
As a musician barely scraping by, Gio Andollo looks to trash bins as a way of life.
On a recent outing, he carefully untied bags outside a supermarket next to Columbia University. He likes this market because it uses clear plastic bags, making it easier to spot bread, fruits, vegetables and other treasures.
The Mennonite Church USA Executive Board (EB) spent many hours in executive session working on a statement regarding the inclusion of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community in Mennonite Church USA.
It’s hard to understand Canada’s Old Colony Mennonites without first understanding their views on education.
In 1922 about 8,000 Old Colony Mennonites left Canada for Mexico and Paraguay because of education mandates.