13 (Mennonite) things to do when your church has a snow day

Some ideas for when your worship service is cancelled because of winter weather

February 7, 2014 | Web First
Virginia A. Hostetler | Web editor
Photo credit: Universal Pops on Flickr Creative Commons

If your congregation cancels the Sunday worship service because of snow and ice, there is no need to stay in bed all morning. Here are some ideas for redeeming the time:

13.  Walk to another church where the worship service has not been cancelled. See the church directory for Mennonite Church Canada here. Or, in the spirit of Christian unity, attend a church service from another denomination.

12.  Offer your body as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1) and get out the shovel to do a loving act for a snowbound neighbour. Don’t forget to thank the Creator for this gift of moisture that replenishes of the earth and for healthy muscles that work. 

11.  Download the electronic version of Take Our Moments and Our Days: An Anabaptist Prayer Book Volume 1 and Volume 2 and use it to pray the morning and evening devotions suggested for the day.

10.  Watch or listen to the teaching at The Meeting House, a Brethren-in-Christ “church for people who aren’t into church.”

9. Learn about the ministries of Mennonite Church Canada by surfing its YouTube channel. Prayerfully consider how you might be involved in God’s work in the world through the work of the larger church.

8. Make music, alone or with others in your household. Reach for Hymnal: A Worship Book, Sing the Journey or Sing the Story and pick your favorites songs. If you don’t have any of these books, plan for the next snow day and order them from MennoMedia.

7.  Download a podcast from iTunes or iTunes U from one of the Mennonite schools or seminaries. You can hear chapel services, inspiring guest speakers and special series. 

6. For some a cappella renditions of old favorite hymns go to www.YouTube.com and search for videos of the Mennonite Hour singers. Share a link to your favorite one on your Facebook timeline and invite your friends to sing along.

5.  Pick up your Bible and join in solidarity with Young Voices co-editor Aaron Epp, who is reading through the entire Bible in 2014 (Year of Reading Biblically). You can consult the daily reading guide at Young Voices (Canadian Mennonite) to read the same portion of scripture he is reading. When you’re finished reading, tweet @aaronepp to let him know you’re supporting #yorb14.

4.  Write extra donation cheques (or make online gifts) to your favorite Mennonite/Anabaptist charities (and maybe a new charity or two). As you work, sing the doxology, “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow” (Hymnal: A Worship Book, 119).

3.  Check out the latest Commonplace magazine from Mennonite Central Committee, for stories of people helping people around the world. Share your favorite story with your friends through social media, or decide on an action you will take on behalf of people who need justice.

2.  Download the Mennonite World Conference World Directory, pick a continent, and pray for your brothers and sisters in the faith by offering a prayer for each church body listed in that continent list. Check your newspaper for any information about the issues facing those Christians.

1. Along with others in your household, read a feature article (or two) from Canadian Mennonite magazine. Click also on the discussion questions that accompany each article, to guide you in reflection and discussion about the topic. To share your insights with readers elsewhere in the Anabaptist/Mennonite world, take the time to write a comment or question on the website.

Now, aren't you glad you didn't stay in bed? Menno Simons would be proud: "True evangelical faith cannot lie dormant..."

—Posted Feb. 7, 2014

Photo credit: Universal Pops on Flickr Creative Commons

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