Readers write: May 25, 2015 issue

May 21, 2015 | Viewpoints | Volume 19 Issue 11

History of Niagara Township Credit Union clarified by a founder’s son

Re: “‘Mennonite’ name should stay” letter, March 30, page 10.

Albert Isaac’s comments about the Niagara Township Credit Union may confuse readers.

In 1943, my father A. P. Regier convened a group in Niagara Township to explore the creation of a local credit union after attending a workshop about credit unions at what is now the University of Guelph, where he connected with leaders of the Ontario Credit Union League.

A number of men who came to that meeting convened by Dad decided to organize a community-oriented credit union unrelated to any particular church denomination, labour union or large corporation. There was a Canadian Jew, a Canadian Englishman, two Russian Mennonite businessmen and several Russian Mennonite farmers who comprised the first official committee. Dad was secretary, bookkeeper, manager and teller of that Niagara Township Credit Union in the first few years.

This credit union was successful and other small credit unions began asking to join with it. Eventually the Ontario Hydro Workers Credit Union and the Niagara Credit Union joined together to create Meridian Savings and Credit Union.

Henry Regier, Elmira, Ont.



‘Healing the wounded city’ speaks to experience

Thank you very much for the article “Healing the wounded city,” March 30 issue, page 4. Having been on welfare in this country, I know exactly what Derek Cook is talking about when he says the real problem is broken relationships.

In a way, I was fortunate that I had no debts. As I was growing up as a Tamil in Sri Lanka, my parents lived within their means, which was a good formation. When I hit hard times, thankfully I had good friends both in the church and, I must say, even in my local pub.

All this begs many questions, as in my present situation as a senior citizen I am arguably affluent compared to many in the city of Montreal.

Bimal Thambyah, Montreal, Que.


Bible helps Christians focus ‘in our new age’

What is our focus as we continue along the Anabaptist Way in our new age? (Galatians 6:14)

Is Jesus still the only way to the Father, to the kingdom of God, to eternal life in heaven? (John 14:6)

Is there any other way, any other name by which we must be saved? (Acts 4:12)

Is our central theme still Jesus’s blood which cleanses us from all sin? Is all of scripture still true, inspired by our one and only all-powerful God? (II Timothy 3:16)

What is “the way” through our present sexual revolution? (Acts 15:20)

What does Jesus mean in the Great Commission when he commands us to make disciples, baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and to teach obedience to all that He has commanded us? (Matthew 28:18-20)

In response, let’s refer to what Menno Simons says in his writings, as edited by J.C. Wenger in his book A Lay Guide to Romans: “All who believe on [Jesus] have through him received grace, mercy, forgiveness of sins, and eternal life . . . . But the abominable, shameful sins and offences, such as adultery, fornication, hatred, envy, drunkenness, pomp, splendour, cursing, swearing, gambling, desire of filthy lucre, abuse of the ordinances of Christ, and lying and fraud, I verily detest from the bottom of my heart. . . . If you are not converted to a better and a Christian mind . . . if you do not repent and become like innocent, simple children, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. . . .
[Those who are in Christ] fight daily with their weak flesh in the Spirit and in faith.”

Help us, Holy Spirit, to honour your Word.

Ken Doell, Altona, Man.


Cutting did happen with government CoSA funding

A further clarification is necessary to the one from the office of Stephen Blaney, minister responsible for Correctional Services of Canada, that said the government has not cut funds to Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA) ("Clarification" April 27 issue, page 11).

There were two streams of funding from the Correctional Services of Canada to the various CoSA sites across Canada. The one referred to by Blaney's office from the National Crime Prevention Centre was a five-year project and all sites knew that would end September 2015. His office is correct on this point.

There was another stream of funding for CoSA sites across Canada provided through the Chaplaincy Division of CSC, which was in place long before the five-year project and continued during the project period. CSC through the Chaplaincy Division provided approximately $600,000 annually. This funding to all sites except Toronto/Kitchener was ended March 31, 2015. This is the funding that actually is a cut. What this means is that no funding is received from the Canadian Government for any CoSA services anywhere in Canada (except Kitchener/Toronto).

Otto Driedger, Chair, CoSA South Saskatchewan Board, Regina Sask.

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