Volume 27, Number 22
Hold tenderly to death
The day before writing this marked three years since my sister died of cancer. We gathered as a family at her grave to mark the occasion. We talked about the day she died, things that remind us of her and how proud she would be of the two young boys who will always be her sons.
As he lay dying
There were nineteen beds in the hospice, that’s what I heard, most of them occupied, but I paid no attention to them.
Holy moments in the midst of grief
There’s one church service that Fran Giesbrecht makes a special point not to miss: Eternity Sunday.
Observed at his Winnipeg church on the last Sunday before Advent, Eternity Sunday provides opportunity for Giesbrecht and others at Fort Garry Mennonite Fellowship to commemorate members of their community who have died.
WWII Alternative service camp
These men visited an alternative service camp in 1942. From left: D.P. Reimer (EMC, Steinbach), Jacob F. Barkman (Holdeman minister, Manitoba), David Schulz (Bergthaler bishop, Manitoba) and George DeFehr (Holdeman minister, Alberta).
Readers write: November 3, 2023 issue
Gratitude for foyer discussions
Today I got my COVID booster. Other than a barely perceptible soreness in my arm, I have never experienced side effects from these vaccinations.
Teach us to pray
On a Wednesday in mid-October, I’m at the auto shop for winter tires; a TV on the wall flashes tanks, rubble and protests alongside talking heads.
On social media, I can’t look away from children held hostage or from parents pulling kids from collapsed buildings.
Salt and light: Structures and policies
I like paying attention to structures and policies. My attention was caught on Sunday when the visiting preacher, Fanosie Legesse of Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, said that wisdom is when churches shape structures and policies to be salt and light in the world.
Invisible barriers to becoming an intercultural church
At WBUR, Boston’s National Public Radio station, a very interesting testimony appeared three years ago titled “A Dual Degree from Oxford. A Medical Degree from Harvard. Neither Protected Me from Racism.” It’s from Tafadzwa Muguwe, a Zimbabwean-born Rhodes scholar and Harvard-trained physician.
Opened eyes
Charles Dickens wrote A Tale of Two Cities nearly 200 years ago. His opening lines describe our world today, as aptly as anything published in recent years. He writes:
Part III: Who owns your church building?
This six-part series draws on Kara Carter’s PhD studies, for which she conducted five focus groups with Mennonite Church Eastern Canada pastors.
Part II: Aging
“My children decided it’s time for me to move out of my house and join a retirement community. I don’t agree. I feel like I have no say anymore. I can still think, but they are not interested in hearing me out.”
Turning church inside-out
During her community outreach work, Judith McCartney will typically ask people: “Did you know Christ walked 22,000 miles in his lifetime of ministry?”
McCartney believes in venturing outside the church doors and putting on some miles.
Attending to war
First-hand from Gaza
A Christian nation?
“We, nosotros, we saved Colombia from being handed over to communists!” Those were the words of a celebrity pastor from a Colombian mega-church, spoken to a cheering crowd in California. That pastor referred to the recent success of a “No” campaign in the popular referendum that voted against implementing a peace agreement in my country.
Holy optimism
At the time of assuming his new role as executive minister of Mennonite Church B.C. in August, Shel Boese recalls being asked about his vision for MC B.C. “It doesn’t matter what my vision is,” he replied, “we need to determine that together. It needs to be a shared vision.”
Charting a path to old age
Getting old was not something I looked forward to. The shift from being someone who gives to someone who receives requires adjustment, but with God’s help we can prepare for getting old gracefully.
Theologian empowers lay leaders at workshop in Saskatoon
Leading worship was the focus of a two-day workshop organized by Mennonite Church Saskatchewan last month.
Two ministers ordained in Mennonite Church Saskatchewan
October was a big month for pastoral leadership in Mennonite Church Saskatchewan as two young pastors, Rodney Hennessey and Curtis Wiens, were ordained by their congregations.
Altona church connects community members with free monthly meal
Members of a southern Manitoba church are offering the residents of their town a free monthly meal, served with a side of fellowship and fun.
Altona Bergthaler Mennonite Church launched the initiative in September 2022. Anyone who wants a hot meal and time to visit with their neighbours is invited to attend.
Crafting, chaos and community
On September 29, 18 participants gathered in Saskatoon to kick off the Mennonite Church Saskatchewan youth programming year. The youth got to know one another in a variety of ways as the event went on, first learning what everyone had for breakfast, then playing ‘Never Have I Ever . .
Fall list of books & resources
Volunteers customize bears and blankets for care home residents
Jan Steven, a commissioned chaplain with Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, has found a new way to show care for seniors in long term care facilities. The new venture starts with buying new or next-to-new teddy bears and blankets from the Mennonite Central Committee Christian Benefit Thrift Shop in St. Catharines, Ontario. Then Mary Koop, who, like Steven, attends Grace Mennonite Church in St.
Bill to limit MAID criteria fails
Parliament narrowly defeated a bill that would have prevented the expansion of eligibility for medical assistance in dying (MAID). On October 18, 167 MPs voted against Bill C-314 while 150 voted for it.
The private members bill was sponsored by Ed Fast, Conservative MP for Abbotsford.