Young Voices

Express yourself

Some readers may only know me as Canadian Mennonite’s Young Voices co-editor. Not many know a lot about me. I have a meaningful relationship with Netflix, I’m addicted to Twitter, when I’m not in school I help on my family’s farm . . . and I have a large tattoo on my upper left arm.

The church as landlord

In an age when many Mennonite churches worry about losing young people, David Epp has a solution: the church should become their landlord. At Rosthern Mennonite Church’s semi-annual meeting late last summer, he proposed that the congregation purchase a house in Saskatoon to provide a community living space with affordable rent for Mennonite students in the city.

An invisible minority

Conversation within the walls of the Great Hall once fell on deaf ears, as what is now Canadian Mennonite University was originally built as a school for the hearing-impaired. Today, students from a variety of disciplines sit in what is now called the Blaurock Café talking academics and theology over fresh, fair-trade coffee.

From thesis to exhibition

When I interviewed her in her studio overlooking Winnipeg’s historic Exchange District, artist Chantel Mierau was hard at work putting together materials for her first-ever solo exhibit. The video installation was opening in two weeks (it opened on March 1), and Mierau still had some minor video editing to do. She was also sewing sheets to project her videos onto.

Human rights

“The states, parties to the present covenant, recognize the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions.”

(Article 11, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights)


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