Young Voices

Nursing the soul

It takes a special kind of person to be a nurse. It takes someone who will stay up all night rocking and singing to a screaming child. Someone like Carly Penner who will respect diverse faith traditions and care for a child while their mother goes to say her prayers five times a day as required by the Islamic faith.

Nursing the soul

It takes a special kind of person to be a nurse. It takes someone who will stay up all night rocking and singing to a screaming child. Someone like Carly Penner who will respect diverse faith traditions and care for a child while their mother goes to say her prayers five times a day as required by the Islamic faith.

Young adults pursue walk with God in other Christian traditions

Sometimes when people change churches or denominations, it is because they are looking for a more contemporary form of worship. For Jonathan Dyck, it was the opposite—one of the things he appreciates about switching from a Mennonite church to worshipping in an Anglican one is how rooted the Anglican church is in liturgy, and saying and singing the same words every Sunday.

Making community intentional

The six young adults who live in the three-storey house at the end of Alloway Avenue know each other well by now. They speak with each other openly, respond to each other thoughtfully, laugh easily and each one knows how the other five take their tea. All six want to grow closer to God, and they believe a good way to do that is by living together.

Confessing our fossil fuels sins

Christians are taught that taking a Sabbath from work is an important spiritual discipline, but some Mennonites in Winnipeg organized a Sabbath from consumption.

Consumption Sabbath, which took place on Earth Day (April 22), included a time for people to “confess” their fossil fuel sins, “testify” to the healing power of living simply, and make pledges for the future.

Knowledge and uncertainty

One Sunday morning I was sitting in the pew trying to pay attention and think critically about the sermon I was listening to, and my mind started to wander. As the sermon moved to the topic of interpreting a parable in Mark 2, I caught myself thinking that I knew this already, that I understood the parable and the interpretation, and could learn nothing new about it.


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